In the previous post, which served as an introduction to instruction set architectures (ISA), some basic terminology was defined which helped frame a discussion regarding different characterizations of architectures. What set each type of architecture apart was namely in the type of internal storage it uses.
Now, let's …
Read More- Let's start by asking the following questions: what the hell is an instruction set architecture (ISA), and why does it matter? For starters, the ISA is the interface between hardware and software. This is of particular importance because it determines what type of computer will be built and how it will perform. In …
Read More Ever since my last post, I've been struggling with ideas on what to write about. All things considered, my options are somewhat limitless due to the nature of technology. So in the end, there shouldn't be that much of an excuse to pick a topic and write about, right?
Turns out: it kind of can be. You see, I could come …
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